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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2020/2021 School Year

9th Jun 2021
We have been working really hard on practical tens and units.
8th Jun 2021
Well done Brayden. Star of the week , you have been working really hard on your...
8th Jun 2021
Thank you Dominik for telling us all about your robot dog, it was great to see all...
8th Jun 2021
Adam was awarded this week's prize for always being positive and cheerful in school. 
8th Jun 2021
We had such a great day on Friday at Sports Day! Well done to everyone- you all...
7th Jun 2021
Friday was sports day for P. 7, everyone had a great time with an ice lolly to cool...
7th Jun 2021
P. 7 had an amazing day at We Are Vertigo!  We went to the inflatable park...