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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 6

2023/2024 School Year

26th Apr 2024
Georgia Mc and Rebeka planted 6 tomato plants in our greenhouse. We will care for...
26th Apr 2024
We planted a variety of flowering plants in our window boxes. These will encourage...
25th Apr 2024
In P.E we are presently working on ‘Athletics’. We had a mini tournament...
25th Apr 2024
Pippa’s ’Show and Tell’ was all about a trip to Disneyland Paris...
24th Apr 2024
We had a brilliant morning at Drumglass High School participating in and spectating...
23rd Apr 2024
We planted window boxes with a variety of flowering plants for the front of our school....
11th Apr 2024
Elija was our Dojo point winner in term 2. Altogether she has 602 points! Super work...
27th Mar 2024
P.6 pupils took time, care and patience to make their own Easter Bunny to hold a...
25th Mar 2024
A huge thank you to everyone who made a big effort to take part in ‘The Big...
25th Mar 2024
Congratulations to William who answered the most correct tables questions in 1 minute....