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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 1

2022/2023 School Year

13th Sep 2022
Today we sorted 2D shapes according to their colours. Then we sorted ourselves into...
13th Sep 2022
Thank you to the boys and girls from P6 for playing with us and showing us how to...
7th Sep 2022
We found out that sand, sky, sun and stones all begin with the ‘s’ sound! 
7th Sep 2022
We had so much fun painting beautiful pictures today. Miss Agnew, Mrs Graham and...
7th Sep 2022
Today we practised standing back to back to find out who was taller and who was...
5th Sep 2022
We had so much fun painting with cotton buds, moulding playdough, using pegs to...
3rd Sep 2022
We have really enjoyed exploring and playing in the Outdoor Play area this week! 
3rd Sep 2022
We had a wonderful first day in Primary 1 playing with each other and hearing all...