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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 2

2022/2023 School Year

11th Nov 2022
Well done to Jack and Gabriele for being this weeks ‘Super Stars’ in...
11th Nov 2022
Thank you Mya and Margo for showing us your lovely things. 
4th Nov 2022
Well done Lydiah, you have been a star this week. 
4th Nov 2022
Thank you Ollie and Emili for showing us your favourite things. 
3rd Nov 2022
Ann-Marie from Sustrans came into school today to tell us all about Active Travel....
25th Oct 2022
Happy birthday to Dylan, Nathan and Michael. 
25th Oct 2022
Thank you to Harper-Lee and Amanda for showing us your loving things in Show and...
25th Oct 2022
Well done Joshua, you are working so hard in school and with your homework!