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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 4

2021/2022 School Year

26th Nov 2021
As part of our topic on space, we have been learning all about star constellations. ...
23rd Nov 2021
On 4th November we celebrated the UK’s Outdoor Classroom Day by learning all...
23rd Nov 2021
We created friendship flowers labelling each petal with a good friendship quality....
23rd Nov 2021
In P4 we have been busy going to space in our own rocket, making rockets from plastic...
16th Nov 2021
Congratulations Georgia, you are a super star!⭐️
2nd Nov 2021
Primary 4 had lots of fun taking part in the Scavenger Hunt! 
2nd Nov 2021
Primary 4 had lots of fun making chocolate apples for Halloween! 🍏