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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 5

2018/2019 School Year

14th May 2019
P5 had great fun taking part in team games at The Speedwell Trust.   ...
18th Apr 2019
Here are the children who brought things in for Show and Tell this half term. ...
7th Mar 2019
P.5. were challenged to create exciting playground attractions. Have a look at our...
5th Mar 2019
We had great fun making pancakes today. 
15th Feb 2019
We love to see what everyone brings in for Show and Tell.    We get...
25th Jan 2019
Mark, from the NI Fire & Rescue Service, came in to talk to us about fire safety...
17th Jan 2019
Well done to the Mathletics winners for December. 
16th Jan 2019
P.5. pastel drawings of snowdrops.