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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 6

2021/2022 School Year

15th Feb 2022
This week’s ‘Star of the week’ award was given to Elysse for being...
10th Feb 2022
9th Feb 2022
‘Museums on the Move’ joined P.6 on Microsoft teams to deliver a talk...
8th Feb 2022
This week’s ‘Star of the week’ award was given to Viktoria for...
2nd Feb 2022
This week’s ‘Star of the week’ award was given to Pippa for trying...
1st Feb 2022
We spent one hour watching our garden birds in and around our bird feeding area....
27th Jan 2022
James from Sentinus visited our classroom to deliver practical activities on ‘Renewable...
25th Jan 2022
Today we watched a virtual tour of Windsor Park football stadium via zoom. It was...
25th Jan 2022
This week’s ‘Star of the week’ award was given to Agneta for always...
21st Jan 2022
Tilly from P.6 has now become an ‘AR millionaire’ which means she has...