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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2020/2021 School Year

19th Aug 2020
This year you will come directly to your classroom through the fire door at the...
19th Aug 2020
Hello P3, I am very excited to see you all soon. School is going to be a little...
19th Aug 2020
Hello everyone, I hope you all had a lovely summer holiday and are looking forward...
18th Aug 2020
Happy Birthday to all our pupils celebrating a special birthday this month. ...
18th Aug 2020
We have created this little video to show you around our Nursery. You will see what...
13th Aug 2020
Good morning, I hope you are well and enjoying this nice spell of weather. Today...

2019/2020 School Year

30th Jun 2020
Some photos from our P7 Leavers 'Picnic on the Pitch.' We wish them every success...
30th Jun 2020
Information regarding our restart plan. Nursery Induction packs will be posted today...
29th Jun 2020
Please be assured that we are continuing to seek a refund of all or at least part, of...
29th Jun 2020
Well done to Daniel Jardine, P6 who won a BB art competition recently. He was the...