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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2019/2020 School Year

15th Jun 2020
Please return the following items to school before the end of June. You may return...
15th Jun 2020
12th Jun 2020
Well done Clara in Primary 5 for achieving a gold certificate on Mathletics! She...
12th Jun 2020
The Nursery boys and girls have been busy bees this week.  Thank you for...
12th Jun 2020
The boys and girls in Primary 1 have been very busy keeping active outside, as well...
11th Jun 2020
Two Bush PS pupils, Alex and Abbie, came upon a house fire whilst out for a walk....
10th Jun 2020
It has great to see all the things you have been up to.
9th Jun 2020
Our hard working P3 pupils are enjoying learning at home.