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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 7

2016/2017 School Year

5th Jun 2017
Congratulations to Matthew (P7) who made it through to the residential stage of...
6th Apr 2017
Congratulations to Bush Netball team who came joint winners at the recent Netball...
10th Mar 2017
P7 love doing practical maths... They used 'measuring strips' to measure various...
20th Jan 2017
We are so proud of our netball girls who played some tough opposition today in the...
19th Dec 2016
Today we handed over our Reverse Advent Calendar to Michelle, Matt and Cheryl from...
19th Dec 2016
Santa Claus visited the P7 class and because they'd been sooooo good he gave them...
5th Dec 2016
Mrs McKenzie brought in her Chocolate Fountain as a treat for all of the P7 pupils......