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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 4

2020/2021 School Year

16th Apr 2021
Please try your best to walk, cycle or scoot to school any days you can for the...
26th Mar 2021
Well done to Maisie and Maya, super work and behaviour this week girls. 
23rd Mar 2021
Look at these happy wee faces, so happy to see their friends again. We even had...
7th Mar 2021
The children were asked to create a character that they had read about in a book...
7th Mar 2021
Last week we set the children a task to bake something nice to eat . They created...
3rd Feb 2021
Happy birthday to Lyla, Grace, Alex and Isla who all have their birthdays this month. ...
18th Jan 2021
New packs of work for the next few weeks will be available to collect on Friday...
14th Jan 2021
Happy birthday Xander
7th Jan 2021
Here is a video to show you how to complete and upload work on Seesaw using 3 different...
5th Jan 2021
Dear Parent/Guardian, We hope you and your family have enjoyed a well-earned break...