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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2019/2020 School Year

7th Feb 2020
P5 got to mummify some apples this week as part of an exciting science experiment....
6th Feb 2020
At forest schools we created our first campfire.  We collected small sticks...
6th Feb 2020
P5 enjoyed spending two days with Windmill IPS last week. On Thursday, they explored the...
5th Feb 2020
We have been working really hard to complete large floor puzzles. 
5th Feb 2020
We looked carefully at the trees near our Nursery and we used charcoal to make observational...
5th Feb 2020
We have been watching the different birds that like to visit our Nursery. We noticed...
5th Feb 2020
Hayden brought in some snowdrops from his garden so we decided to paint and make...