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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 2

2021/2022 School Year

27th May 2022
We love it when Niall comes in with his music for PE on a Friday. 
23rd May 2022
Well done Jakub!
16th May 2022
Well done to our P2 star of the week - Orestas.
8th May 2022
Well done Jokubas, our star for this week. 
1st May 2022
We had “The best PE ever!” today with Happy Healthy Kids. So good to...
1st May 2022
Well done Safiyah, you have worked so hard this week. 
1st May 2022
We have had great fun this week playing with our new outdoor toys in the sunshine...
1st May 2022
P2 love doing their daily mile, especially when they can do it on the grass.