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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 5

2016/2017 School Year

27th Jun 2017
Well done to all of the boys and girls who took part in our final assembly today....
25th Jun 2017
Well done to all the boys and girls who took part in our recent performance. 
12th Jun 2017
P.5. visited Windmill Integrated Primary School today. We got to see a range of...
7th Jun 2017
30th Apr 2017
P.5. had a great day at Windmill Integrated Primary School. We designed Rainforest...
10th Apr 2017
P.5. had great fun creating their own Easter Bunnies - have a look at our wonderful...
30th Mar 2017
Over the last number of weeks P.5. have been busy creating observational drawings...
28th Feb 2017
P.5. were busy today making pancakes. We have been learning about instructions this...
23rd Feb 2017
P.5. were busy today drawing snow drops using chalk pastilles. Have a look at some...
14th Feb 2017
Primary 5 were busy today investigating the properties of 3D shapes using cocktail...