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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 6

2021/2022 School Year

16th Nov 2021
This week’s‘Star of the week’ award was given to Reuben for always...
12th Nov 2021
Our ‘World Around Us’ topic for this term is ‘Christmas Around...
9th Nov 2021
A police officer came into our classroom to remind us of the importance of keeping...
9th Nov 2021
This week’s ‘Star of the week’ award was given to Isabella for...
4th Nov 2021
P.6 had fun learning about co-ordinates and orienteering.
22nd Oct 2021
Today P6 pupils made soil pots as we have been studying ‘Trees’ in WAU....
22nd Oct 2021
We are all ready to shine brightly on dark mornings and evenings to keep ourselves...
22nd Oct 2021
We had great fun solving the puzzle to find a combination code so we could escape...
19th Oct 2021
This week’s ‘Star of the week’ award was given to Julia for lovely...
12th Oct 2021
This week’s ‘Star of the week’ award was given to Leah for making...