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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2019/2020 School Year

22nd Nov 2019
As part of our ‘Getting Ready To Learn Programme' parents enjoyed visiting...
21st Nov 2019
We are delighted to announce that there are 4 new Eco committee member from P.6....
21st Nov 2019
Jessica Monteiro, a P.6 pupil, has become an A.R. word millionaire. We were all...
19th Nov 2019
Our ‘Getting Ready to Learn Programme’ commenced this week.  This...
19th Nov 2019
We enjoyed an interactive story telling session with Claire from Blackberry farm....
19th Nov 2019
18th Nov 2019
Dylan’s daddy took time out of his busy farming day to come and visit us in...
15th Nov 2019
We had great fun learning about the farm with Jennifer and Jo-Jingles.  
15th Nov 2019
Two hens joined our Nursery class.  They enjoyed exploring our outdoor area....
15th Nov 2019
We helped Bee-Bot to visit lots of different animals on the farm.  We had to...