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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 4

2020/2021 School Year

1st Dec 2020
Happy birthday to Logan, Archie, Charlie and Sintija. 
1st Dec 2020
Well done Klaudia!
24th Nov 2020
Well done Joshua, you are a super star!
17th Nov 2020
Well done Megan, you really deserve to be this weeks star of the week!
10th Nov 2020
Happy birthday to Maisie, our only November birthday in P.4.
10th Nov 2020
This week we have been learning all about Global Warming. The children designed...
10th Nov 2020
Well done to Lyla for being this weeks ‘Superstar’ in P.4.
6th Nov 2020
This is our favourite song in P4. We love singing quietly and doing some actions...
6th Nov 2020
We love to take a few minutes in between subjects throughout the day to become reenergised...
6th Nov 2020
Well done to Xander, you really deserve this weeks star award.