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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 6

2021/2022 School Year

15th Dec 2021
Anne-Marie from Sustrans visited our school today to give us a talk on ‘Climate...
15th Dec 2021
This week’s ‘Star of the week’ award was given to Hannah for always...
7th Dec 2021
After 10 weeks of swimming lessons at the pool in Cookstown Leisure Centre P.6 pupils...
7th Dec 2021
This week’s ‘Star of the week’ award was given to Ava for always...
6th Dec 2021
On Friday 3rd December each class in the school from Nursery to P.7 took part in...
30th Nov 2021
Sue from the PSNI came into school today to talk to P.6 and P.7 pupils about ‘Criminal...
30th Nov 2021
This week’s ‘Star of the week’ award was given to Lily for always...
29th Nov 2021
Well done everyone in P4-7 for your hard work and effort in the November Mathletics...
23rd Nov 2021
This week’s ‘Star of the week’ award was given to Nathan for handwriting...
16th Nov 2021
Today Anne-Marie from ‘Sustrans’ gave us a talk in assembly on ‘Road...