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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 2

2021/2022 School Year

23rd Mar 2022
Today we had our last assembly with Emma Reid. She has been coming to our school...
8th Mar 2022
Today the boys and girls in P2 brought in the oldest toy they could find at home. ...
8th Mar 2022
Well done Freddie!
3rd Mar 2022
The children in P2 were investigating ice.  They froze some water inside...
3rd Mar 2022
In our Playbased learning we have been making push and pull toys out of waste from...
3rd Mar 2022
The jelly that didn’t wobble. Trumpety Trump.   And Betty...
1st Mar 2022
Thank you to Mrs Wilson and Miss Mullan who made pancakes today with P2.  ...
28th Feb 2022
This term our topic is all about Toys.  Today the children read a story...
28th Feb 2022
Well done Ruben, you worked super hard this week.