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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 6

2020/2021 School Year

22nd Jun 2021
Abbie was awarded this week's prize for always being pleasant, well behaved, mannerly,...
21st Jun 2021
'Hit the button' is a tables computer program in which you have to answer as many...
15th Jun 2021
Maria was awarded this week's prize for the beautiful drawings which she regularly...
14th Jun 2021
Our final day of the cycling workshop was very exciting. We got to put our skills...
11th Jun 2021
Day 2 of our cycling skills workshop involved us learning how to cycle safely on...
10th Jun 2021
Day 1 of the Sustrans cycling workshop began with us learning how to check our bikes...
8th Jun 2021
Adam was awarded this week's prize for always being positive and cheerful in school. 
7th Jun 2021
We thoroughly enjoyed taking part in a variety of challenges and races. Everyone...
2nd Jun 2021
In groups we planted four window boxes with a selection of bedding plants. Keep...
1st Jun 2021
Gerda was awarded this prize for always being very willing to help in P.6.