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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2018/2019 School Year

18th Oct 2018
The Nursery children visited The Hill of the O'Neill to see 'Teddy's Seaside Holiday.'...
18th Oct 2018
Look at our writing. We can write with whiteboard pens. We went outside to write...
18th Oct 2018
All of the children had great fun making binoculars during play time. We made...
17th Oct 2018
All of the pupils in Bush Primary School took part in our annual Harvest Assembly....
17th Oct 2018
P.6 pupils thoroughly enjoyed reinforcing their Numeracy knowledge through the 'Snake...
17th Oct 2018
P.4. love to play games on the interactive whiteboard to help them with learning...
17th Oct 2018
We are all very clever in P.4. now that we know our numbers up to 1000. We have...
17th Oct 2018
P.4. were learning all about money last week. We used the coins to show amounts...
17th Oct 2018
We have been busy at number time. We were copying, continuing and creating patterns....
17th Oct 2018
Team maths games in P.2, fly swat, rocket countdown and number order are all lots...