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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 2

2021/2022 School Year

14th Jan 2022
7th Jan 2022
Well done Carolina, you are working super hard. 
7th Jan 2022
Look at all the snowmen that P2 made, we had great fun in the snow. 
7th Jan 2022
Our favourite things to do were rolling on the mat and swinging on the ropes. 
21st Dec 2021
Thank you for visiting us today Santa, and for our lovely selection boxes. 
21st Dec 2021
We played lots of Christmas games together and had great fun.
21st Dec 2021
Thank you Mary, Michelle and Elaine. It was delicious! 
21st Dec 2021
Well done Jamie, you are working very hard. 
10th Dec 2021
Well done Noah, you are always a great boy. 
10th Dec 2021
We saw lots of lovely things today for Show and Tell, thank you for bringing them...