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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2017/2018 School Year

22nd May 2018
On Tuesday 22nd May, P3 travelled with Windmill Integrated Primary School to Oxford...
18th May 2018
We had lots of fun today with Jo Jingles at the circus. We dressed up as clowns...
16th May 2018
Today we celebrated Outdoor Play Day at Nursery along with some of our parents....
14th May 2018
Thank you so much to Yasmin's mummy for bringing a delicious birthday cake into...
14th May 2018
The boys and girls from Bush Nursery and Windmill Nursery had a fantastic time at...
9th May 2018
P3 were excellent Minibeast hunters! It's amazing to see all of the little creatures...
9th May 2018
Windmill visited Bush PS today. We worked hard in the garden.
9th May 2018
We had a visit from the Health and Safety Executive on Wednesday 2nd May. We learnt...