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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2017/2018 School Year

17th Apr 2018
The boys and girls at Nursery created beautiful Spring daffodils. They were able...
17th Apr 2018
The boys and girls at Nursery had a great time at P.E today exploring the trim trail...
4th Apr 2018
P5 really enjoyed visiting Windmill Integrated Primary School. We had a joint...
28th Mar 2018
We had a special visit today from the Easter Bunny. He left us a letter, some clues...
28th Mar 2018
We had great fun at our March Birthday Party. Happy Birthday Pippa, Jake, Caoimhin...
28th Mar 2018
There were lots of boys and girls from Nursery at the school disco. It was great...
28th Mar 2018
We were very busy getting ready for our Easter party at Nursery. We made Easter...