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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 4

2018/2019 School Year

3rd Dec 2018
This Christmas we are thinking of others, as well as ourselves.  The children...
3rd Dec 2018
We made rockets with Mrs Girvan in P.4. We used junk materials to make the rocket...
14th Nov 2018
We love to see what everyone brings in for show and tell. We get to see the things...
25th Oct 2018
Everyone is going home happy today with their chocolate apples, that they made this...
25th Oct 2018
P.4. wrote their own poems and performed them in front of the rest of the class....
25th Oct 2018
P7 decided to have a Bun Sale to raise money for the Niamh Louise Foundation. Phoebe's...
17th Oct 2018
P.4. love to play games on the interactive whiteboard to help them with learning...
17th Oct 2018
We are all very clever in P.4. now that we know our numbers up to 1000. We have...
17th Oct 2018
P.4. were learning all about money last week. We used the coins to show amounts...