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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 6

2020/2021 School Year

12th Oct 2020
The 'friendship trees' are part of our Art and Craft work which ties in with our...
12th Oct 2020
P.6 children continue to enjoy lessons with Liam (IFA coach). They are learning...
6th Oct 2020
Clara got full marks in her multiplication tables test. To achieve this it takes...
1st Oct 2020
Well done Mya. Mya won Star of the Week for trying her best at all times. She...
1st Oct 2020
We all enjoy doing the 'Daily Mile' around our school grounds. We try to do it at...
29th Sep 2020
P.6 Star of the week is Reuben. He was awarded this for being kind and helpful towards...
21st Sep 2020
Primary six children enjoyed their first P.E session outside with Liam from I.F.A....
8th Sep 2020
We are all enjoying being back at school with our friends and we are working very...
19th Aug 2020
Hello everyone, I hope you all had a lovely summer holiday and are looking forward...

2019/2020 School Year

30th Jun 2020
Information regarding our restart plan. Nursery Induction packs will be posted today...