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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2016/2017 School Year

10th May 2017
We had great fun playing in our outdoor play area. We were very busy planting lettuce...
8th May 2017
Our Irish cottages are now on display in the foyer. We would love you to see them...
8th May 2017
Our Culinary Kitchen Garden which we entered in a competition at Balmoral Show....
5th May 2017
'The Hive' met after school on Thursday 4th May to continue to work at enhancing...
4th May 2017
We used old clothes and recycled materials to build our scarecrow.  We are...
4th May 2017
We have been learning about patterns.  We have been using lots of different...
3rd May 2017
We enjoyed a workshop with Scientific Sue investigating force at Windmill Nursery. We...