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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 6

2019/2020 School Year

25th Jun 2020
Reminder - reports and books can be collected today Thursday 25th, 9.30 -10.30...
15th Jun 2020
Please return the following items to school before the end of June. You may return...
11th May 2020
Joshua has been very busy at home making preparations for VE Day. He has made bunting,...
3rd Mar 2020
We designed and started to make our space rockets during Art and Craft time. Keep...
26th Feb 2020
For our break yesterday we all thoroughly enjoyed freshly made pancakes. We all...
24th Feb 2020
School will be closed today, Monday 24th  February, due to heavy snow and dangerous...
21st Feb 2020
On Thursday 20th February we were pleasantly surprised by Szymon's Mum as she provided...
21st Feb 2020
P.6 continue to enjoy weekly P.E lessons with Judith (I.F.A coach). This week we...
3rd Feb 2020
Primary 5 & 6 children visited ' The Water Bus ' today which was parked outside...
27th Jan 2020
Two ladies from the NSPCC visited our classroom to talk to us about keeping ourselves...