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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2016/2017 School Year

13th Oct 2016
Congratulations to Joshua, Miriam and Marc who have recently been selected for the...
12th Oct 2016
The children went for an Autumn walk to the 'big school'.  They put on their...
12th Oct 2016
Archie brought in some cooking apples he found while out on an Autumn walk.  We...
12th Oct 2016
We are learning how to make patterns in P.1. We can make our own patterns but Mrs...
11th Oct 2016
Primary 4 pupils from Bush PS and Windmill IPS had a great day out together at Speedwell/Parkanaur....
11th Oct 2016
 We are very busy learning all about Autumn. In the garden we have been brushing...
11th Oct 2016
P.6. children shovelled, wheeled and emptied bark chippings around all the new trees...
10th Oct 2016
Primary 4 have been learning about Creation in bible work. They each chose something...
10th Oct 2016
As part of their World Around Us topic, 'Weather', primary four children enjoyed...
10th Oct 2016
In P.5. we have been busy researching information about rainforests online and creating...