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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2016/2017 School Year

22nd Sep 2016
Our new topic in numeracy is Coordinates. Here are a few images of our class plotting...
22nd Sep 2016
In literacy we have been looking at a range of historical stories. We are currently...
22nd Sep 2016
Congratulations to Daniel, Lily and Callum who took part in the International Peace...
21st Sep 2016
P7 had a great morning at the DHS Roadshow. Katie and Abbie were very successful,...
21st Sep 2016
We are all friends in Primary One, Learning together is lots of fun. Every day...
20th Sep 2016
Welcome back! We hope everyone had an enjoyable summer and all of the P.5s are ready...

2015/2016 School Year

20th Jun 2016
10th Jun 2016
Opening by Ms Sharon O'Connor Chairperson, Education Authority  
6th Jun 2016
We have been very busy making a garden for Peter Rabbit. We planted his favourite...