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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 6

2023/2024 School Year

8th Feb 2024
We had a ‘ Hit the button ‘ tournament in our class. The overall winner...
5th Feb 2024
Georgia brought a remote controlled shark into school today as she has a real interest...
31st Jan 2024
P.6 continue their Mindfulness lessons which help us relax and cope with challenging...
30th Jan 2024
Mrs McKinstry visited our classroom today to give us a living history lesson on...
26th Jan 2024
Elija took part in a Jiu-jitsu competition in Belfast and won two silver medals....
22nd Jan 2024
Elija’s ’Show and Tell’ was about ‘Jiu-jitsu’ which...
16th Jan 2024
P6 pupils are taking part in a 6 week Mindfulness programme called ‘Paws B’....
15th Jan 2024
Kayden brought in a Christmas present given to him by his granny. It was a robot...
11th Jan 2024
Thank you to Kerry who came in to take our assembly this morning. She reminded us...
20th Dec 2023
Elija won the prize for the most Dojo points this term. She was followed very closely...