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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2023/2024 School Year

19th Oct 2023
Primary 5 had a fantastic time at Greiner Packaging on Thursday 19th October, learning...
18th Oct 2023
We love using visual resources and games to help us with our Numeracy! 
18th Oct 2023
Well done Safiyah! You have been listening really well in class! 
18th Oct 2023
P.3. had fun making a scarecrow at school.  We think he looks great!  Can...
16th Oct 2023
We carried out an experiment to help us understand what happens in the atmosphere...
16th Oct 2023
Ruby brought lots of her cycling medals into school for ‘Show and Tell’....
13th Oct 2023
This week Gabriele and Jack had lots of interesting things to tell us about including...
13th Oct 2023
Another Friday afternoon and another eager group of P3 children working hard!