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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 4

2023/2024 School Year

7th Nov 2023
As part of our P4 weather topic, we were asked to find out which material would...
27th Oct 2023
Everyone had so much fun at the Harvest Hoedown last night. Everyone dressed up very...
27th Oct 2023
What a fun filled day to end our 1st half term in P4. 
20th Oct 2023
Today, our Maths skills were put to the test in an Escape Room challenge. We had...
18th Oct 2023
We love using visual resources and games to help us with our Numeracy! 
18th Oct 2023
Well done Safiyah! You have been listening really well in class! 
16th Oct 2023
We carried out an experiment to help us understand what happens in the atmosphere...
12th Oct 2023
Maths Week Ireland begins on Monday 16th October. To get us excited for this, we...
11th Oct 2023
๐ŸŒŸ Well done Ellie! You always listen carefully to instructions. ๐ŸŒŸ
4th Oct 2023
Happy 8th Birthday Carolina!