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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2023/2024 School Year

31st Aug 2023
The new Primary 1 children have been having a wonderful time settling into school....
31st Aug 2023
We are all happy on our 1st day in Primary 3!

2022/2023 School Year

30th Jun 2023
What a fun filled year it has been in P4.  We hope everyone has a wonderful...
29th Jun 2023
We dug up the potatoes we planted in early April ( with the help of some P1 children)....
29th Jun 2023
We thoroughly enjoyed Prize Day this year.
29th Jun 2023
7 today! Happy birthday Sophia 🎉
27th Jun 2023
Congratulations to Sintija for winning our P.6 ‘Hit the button’ competition....