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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2022/2023 School Year

26th Jun 2023
Take a look at the playful learning experiences we have enjoyed this month at Nursery! 
23rd Jun 2023
Thank you to Mrs Ferguson and the Nursery staff for allowing P1 to join them at...
23rd Jun 2023
Kacper is our Star of the week! Well done for excellent imaginative play…we...
23rd Jun 2023
20th Jun 2023
In our school garden we have planted potatoes, sweetcorn, leeks, pumpkins and a...
20th Jun 2023
It was lovely to have the Nursery children over again this morning to play with...
20th Jun 2023
Our stars of the week are Domas and Oscar for neat handwriting ⭐️  Well...
19th Jun 2023
Well done boys! 
19th Jun 2023
Well done for singing so well this week at the flower festival Karlie  🌸 
19th Jun 2023
Well done to these recent star pupils!