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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 5

2022/2023 School Year

20th Sep 2022
Sofia, P6, represented Bush Primary School at the Tri Inter Schools Showjumping...
12th Sep 2022
We worked very hard today learning about comparing numbers. Check out some of the...
5th Sep 2022
P5 have been very busy creating their own dog for their kennel on our class door....
26th Aug 2022
25.8.22 Dear Parent, Welcome back to our new school year. Gordon Cuddy,...

2021/2022 School Year

28th Jun 2022
Dear Parents,  I would like to say thank-you for the good wishes and gifts...
25th Jun 2022
We loved planning and creating our Pea Fair filled with fun challenges for Key Stage...
23rd Jun 2022
P5 had a fantastic time participating in the football World Cup at school today! 
17th Jun 2022
Maisie has read an astonishing 3 million+ words throughout this year through AR....
17th Jun 2022
We all had a wonderful day at Sports Day, cheered on by our family and friends!...