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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 6

2023/2024 School Year

11th Oct 2023
Ryan took P.6 and P.7 pupils for a Tag Rugby session in preparation for the Tag Rugby...
10th Oct 2023
We sorted deciduous leaves and their fruits so the leaf matched with its fruit. We...
9th Oct 2023
Pippa brought a photograph album of her family trip to Lapland last December. She...
3rd Oct 2023
We went on an autumn walk in our school grounds to complete a tree survey. Altogether...
2nd Oct 2023
Ria brought in photos of herself as a baby. She looked very different compared to...
2nd Oct 2023
Georgia brought a dinasour called a Therizinosaurus for ‘Show and Tell’....
18th Sep 2023
Brandon brought his coin collection in for ‘Show and Tell’. They were...
5th Sep 2023
P.6 pupils worked hard in the garden to clear away many of the weeds that had grown...
5th Sep 2023
P.6 pupils are settling nicely into their new classroom. They are happy to be back...

2022/2023 School Year

29th Jun 2023
We dug up the potatoes we planted in early April ( with the help of some P1 children)....