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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 1

2023/2024 School Year

12th Dec 2023
Well done to all of the boys and girls for their fabulous Christmas production. 
8th Dec 2023
Well done Grace for super reading this week! 
7th Dec 2023
Primary 1 have had such a fun day today seeing Santa, making reindeer buns and S’mores...
4th Dec 2023
We had to pretend to be Santa’s reindeer in PE today, balancing resources on...
1st Dec 2023
We are having lots of Christmas fun during Learning through Play! 
1st Dec 2023
Well done Archie for working so hard at learning your sounds and using them to make...
24th Nov 2023
Well done Katy for excellent work in Literacy this week!
23rd Nov 2023
Today we were making numbers within 10 using only two Numicon shapes. We know that...
22nd Nov 2023
We are learning all about the language of weight in P1. We had great fun putting...