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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

News - Primary 7

2021/2022 School Year

7th Apr 2022
During our Easter assembly, Kerry announced the winners of the Easter egg drawing...
7th Apr 2022
Well done to Sarah, Clara, Adam and Sam who travelled to Lisburn yesterday to take...
4th Apr 2022
Today we had the PSNI in school to talk us about ‘stranger danger’ and...
29th Mar 2022
P7 celebrated the end of their French lessons with a ‘Big French Breakfast’...
29th Mar 2022
Well done Abbie C for designing the winning ‘Guess the name of the bunny’...
25th Mar 2022
P7 had ‘fun in the sun’ completing a traffic survey outside school. 
25th Mar 2022
Emma from Child Evangelism Fellowship Ireland came to deliver her last assembly...
11th Mar 2022
Today P7 enjoyed some hot chocolate and cookies for ‘Chat and Chill’....
9th Mar 2022
P7 tested their engineering skills by building arc bridges. 
7th Mar 2022
On Friday 4th March the girls hockey team travelled to Cookstown to participate...