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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2023/2024 School Year

10th May 2024
We thoroughly enjoyed buying and eating buns from the P.7 bun sale. They were delicious!
10th May 2024
Our ‘Grow your Own’ planting competition has started! P.6 have planted...
9th May 2024
Thank you to everyone who attended our very first Nursery ‘Come Dine with Us.’...
7th May 2024
Primary One & Two had so much fun at our very first Nature Ranger after school...
6th May 2024
It was lovely to have so many parents join with us for our Nursery Natters coffee...
6th May 2024
Take a look at the playful learning experiences we have been enjoying at Nursery...
6th May 2024
Congratulations to the boys and girls in Nursery who received their Silver Forest...
6th May 2024
Take a look at the fun learning experiences we enjoyed in the forest this month....