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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2021/2022 School Year

3rd Mar 2022
Today for World Book Day P7 went to the Nursery to read some stories to the boys...
3rd Mar 2022
P7 enjoyed a visit from James who works with Sentinus. They built cars that were...
2nd Mar 2022
We were sorry to say ‘Goodbye’, to Holly Jardine today. Holly has been...
1st Mar 2022
We wrote instructions on how to make pancakes today and took turns to measure out...
1st Mar 2022
We cooked, decorated and enjoyed some yummy pancakes today.  Can you guess...
1st Mar 2022
P7 enjoyed some yummy pancakes. 🥞
1st Mar 2022
P.3 really enjoyed cooking, decorating and eating pancakes today. YUMMY!