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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2020/2021 School Year

24th May 2021
We were taught how to weave in our Friday craft activity. It took a bit of patience...
20th May 2021
Congratulations to Abigail and Viktoria for receiving the star prize this week!...
19th May 2021
It was lovely to hear all about your baby sister today Franklin.
19th May 2021
Thank you to Aleeyah, Harry, Brayden and Sofia. We all really enjoyed finding out...
19th May 2021
Well done Tommy and Denis, you are the stars of the week. You have both made really...
18th May 2021
Congratulations to Pola and Grace for all their hard work this week 
18th May 2021
Congratulations to William on achieving star of the week.
18th May 2021
Scott was awarded the prize for trying really hard with Accelerated Reader. He has...