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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2019/2020 School Year

23rd Jan 2020
We have been learning about animals that live in cold places.  We worked together...
23rd Jan 2020
We made our own ice lollies to help us understand freezing and melting. They were...
21st Jan 2020
Well done to the boys and girls who have been very busy completing their home learning...
21st Jan 2020
We have been discussing the clothes you need to wear in Winter to keep warm.  We...
21st Jan 2020
P5 enjoyed listening to the NSPCC, who came into school to educate us on how to...
21st Jan 2020
The Egyptians use hieroglyphics to communicate with each other, so P5 decided to...
21st Jan 2020
P5 are delighted to have Judith back from the DENI Sports Programme. She has been...
20th Jan 2020
We came to Nursery in the evening for the ‘Big Bedtime Read.’  This...