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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2019/2020 School Year

20th Dec 2019
Every pupil in P.6 reached their AR target for this half term. As a treat for our super...
20th Dec 2019
Here are just a few photos from our busy last week in school before the Christmas...
19th Dec 2019
Santa came to visit us today. He wanted to let us know that we have all made it...
19th Dec 2019
The boys and girls in Nursery enjoyed watching P4-P7 perform ‘A Superstar.’...
19th Dec 2019
Well done to the boys and girls for their excellent performance of ‘The Nativity.’
16th Dec 2019
We enjoyed a special visit from Matthew, the Youth Pastor at Dungannon Baptist Church....
16th Dec 2019
A selection of pupils from P.1 - P.7 took part in the competition 'Journey to Santa'...