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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


5th Sep 2024
We have been working very hard in Literacy this week at activities that will help...
5th Sep 2024
Hunter is 7 today! Have a lovely birthday 🎉
4th Sep 2024
A massive welcome back to all of our Primary 4 pupils! They have reminisced about...
4th Sep 2024
Welcome to Primary 7! We are delighted to welcome everyone back to school and we...
4th Sep 2024
P.6 pupils wed beds and picked litter to tidy our garden for the autumn.
3rd Sep 2024
We had great fun on our first day back at Forest School finding bugs, climbing the...
3rd Sep 2024
We have had so much fun exploring our outdoor play area over the last few days! 
3rd Sep 2024
A huge welcome to all of our new Primary 1 children! We have had lots of fun playing...
3rd Sep 2024
We would like to give a warm welcome to all our new P.6 pupils. They are delighted...
2nd Sep 2024
Welcome to our Rise & Shine Breakfast Club! We're excited to have the boys and...