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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2017/2018 School Year

2nd May 2018
Today at Nursery Lukas and Rebeka brought in bubbles for us all to enjoy outside....
27th Apr 2018
We had a great day today at Ruby M's Nursery Birthday Party. We played 'Musical...
26th Apr 2018
We have been working hard in the garden, digging, planting and watering. P.2 are...
25th Apr 2018
Our final Shared Education trip was to Oxford Island Discovery Centre where we took...
25th Apr 2018
Today we all came to Nursery wearing something green. We were thinking all about...
23rd Apr 2018
Huge congratulations to our P7 boys (Eli, Jake S, Jake B and Joshua) who were runners...
23rd Apr 2018
Bush PS and Windmill IPS had a great day visiting the Titanic Centre in Belfast....
23rd Apr 2018
 We are super proud of our hockey girls who got through to the quarter finals...
23rd Apr 2018
The P7 Class recently enjoyed a very interesting tour of Windsor Park.