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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2017/2018 School Year

9th Mar 2018
Cameron, Stewart, Levi and Gabby had a great morning on Friday 9th March when they...
9th Mar 2018
The boys and girls at Nursery looked so well today in their costumes for World Book...
9th Mar 2018
The boys and girls had a great day today as they visited Coalisland Library. They...
8th Mar 2018
Well done to the boys and girls, Mrs Talbot, Miss Bartley and Mrs Wright for their...
7th Mar 2018
P5 had great fun making 3D shapes using cocktail sticks and mini marshmallows. It...
6th Mar 2018
Anna's daddy (a personal trainer) took us for our P.E session today at Nursery....
1st Mar 2018
4 P7 Boys (Eli, Jake S, Jake B and Joshua) won the table-tennis regional qualifier...