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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2023/2024 School Year

7th Dec 2023
What a fabulous day P4 have had. We met Santa, enjoyed delicious s’mores,...
7th Dec 2023
We had such a fun-filled day in Primary 3 today. We enjoyed eating delicious S’mores,...
7th Dec 2023
P2 had so much fun today with all the activities at our Christmas fun day. The best...
7th Dec 2023
We had a fantastic day’s fun today! Firstly we all went outside to greet Santa...
7th Dec 2023
Primary 1 have had such a fun day today seeing Santa, making reindeer buns and S’mores...
5th Dec 2023
P6 pupils enjoyed 10 weeks of swimming lessons at Cookstown Leisure Centre. They...
4th Dec 2023
We had to pretend to be Santa’s reindeer in PE today, balancing resources on...
4th Dec 2023
Our star of the week is Nathan for excellent work in P.3.  Well done 🌟
4th Dec 2023
P.6 have been having swimming lessons at Cookstown Leisure Centre for the past 10...