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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2022/2023 School Year

1st Dec 2022
We had great fun on Tuesday meeting lots of new friends from Windmill. We played...
1st Dec 2022
Happy birthday George   
29th Nov 2022
Star of the week in P6 was Allegra. She was awarded this for her excellent swimming...
29th Nov 2022
Well done to all primary 6 pupils who completed 10 weeks of swimming! The children...
25th Nov 2022
We have been exploring Performance Poetry in our Literacy lessons.  We enjoyed...
25th Nov 2022
As part of our space topic we have been learning about Star Constellations. We had...
25th Nov 2022
Well done Brayden! You try your best at all times and your Numeracy this week has...
25th Nov 2022
Well done Tristan for fantastic work on phonics!