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Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2019/2020 School Year

15th May 2020
The boys and girls are continuing with their activities at home. Look how busy they...
14th May 2020
The children in Primary 1 have been working very hard and enjoying our new theme,...
14th May 2020
Pupils in P7 should receive the letter advising of their Secondary School placement...
14th May 2020
Congratulations to our Nursery Teacher, Mrs Ferguson and her husband Johnny, on...
14th May 2020
Check out what some of P5 have been up to at home! Some excellent work going on....
12th May 2020
Look at all this great work being done at home.  You are all superstars!
11th May 2020
Joshua has been very busy at home making preparations for VE Day. He has made bunting,...
8th May 2020
Tommy, Luke, Franklin, Anna, Sam, Denis and Isabella have been very busy doing beautiful...